07 Surface treatment

A surface treatment is a mechanical, chemical, electrochemical or physical operation which has the effect of modifying the appearance or function of the surface of materials in order to adapt it to given conditions of use.

Therefore, the goal of surface treatments is to improve or modify the mechanical and physical properties of a part (electrical conductivity, resistance to wear or friction, etc.), to control its performance (resistance to corrosion, solidity ), and improve its external appearance. They help extend the life of a product.

AFF Groupe has two surface treatment lines for lamellar zinc plating, a highly resistant coating against corrosion, loaded with zinc and aluminum flakes.
This non-electrolytic treatment by centrifugation or spraying consists of applying several base coats (Base Coat) then if necessary a finishing coat (Top Coat). The finishes can provide a better coefficient of friction and also improve corrosion resistance.

Lamellar zinc does not weaken the parts because it requires neither electrolytic nor acid preparation. The zinc flake deposit has the advantage of coating parts of various geometries by impregnation-centrifugation or spraying.
This treatment does not present any environmental constraints.

Our surface treatment process is as follows: after surface preparation (washing, shot blasting), application of flake zinc on one or more coats, with or without finishing, according to customer requirements in terms of friction coefficient and resistance to oxidation. An additional coating (thread lock type) is also available on a dedicated line which also performs sorting and packaging.